Saturday 31 May 2008

Lindsay Lohan - Party People Offer To Help Lohan

New York party king and queen JOHN ENGLEBERT and SUZIE WONG have joined forced to offer embattled LINDSAY LOHAN a little aid in her ongoing fur coat fuss.

Englebert, who owns the Big Apple's Prime nightclub, and Saki Lounge boss Wong have offered to pay the actress' legal costs and buy her a brand new fur coat - as a thanks for partying at their establishments.

Lohan is being sued by a New York student, who claims the Mean Girls star swiped her $12,000 (GBP6,000) mink coat at a nightclub in January (08).

Englebert has offered to buy Lindsay a new $11,000 (GBP5,500) blonde mink coat, as well as settle the lawsuit against her.

A spokeswoman for the club boss says, "Lindsay has always been a fixture and a party girl in his establishments and John does not want her to catch a cold in this frigid start to the summer."

And Englebert tells American news show Access Hollywood, "I am offering to take Lindsay on a mink shopping spree with me, to have the coat of her choice. My motto has always been, `If the coat fits, buy it.'"

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